Eksjö Stadsfest

Denna helg har främst ägnats åt Eksjö Stadsfest, ett fantastiskt musikevenemang som genomförs mitt i Eksjö Stad. På sex scener utspridda bland hus från 1600-talet och framåt har musik av små och stora artister i vitt skilda musikstilar spelats i två dagar. Det har varit fullt av glada människor överallt!

Jag sponsrar sedan förra året stadsfesten genom att fotografera och leverera bilder till affischer, broschyrer och annan marknadsföring. Under förra årets stadsfest bevakade jag främst artister, men i år har jag försökt fånga miljö, publik och stämning istället.

Några bilder kommer säkert hamna här på bloggen så småningom, men flest kommer jag att lägga upp på Flickr. Än så länge finns bara bilder från förra året, men snart börjar jag fylla på med årets bilder.


Wedding photos of Jenny and Paul 2010-07-24 part 2

I´m trying to catch up on the blog with the recent weddings... Here is the second part of the previews from Jenny´s and Paul´s wedding in July. We have now moved to the very beautiful manors of Viggesbo outside Rumskulla in Vimmerby. I have never seen a better kept place in the Swedish countryside!

Unfortunately, the rain was by this point rather heavy, and everything had to be somewhat adjusted. We still managed to get some time to sneak away to make some portraits of just Jenny and Paul themselves. They were very brave and seemed not very disturbed by the rain. Maybe they are hardened by the British weather?

I am very happy that I did get the trust and the assignment to follow you with my camera this day! Thanks!


Alexandra and Johan 2010-07-10 part 3

The last previews from Alexandra´s and Johan´s wedding are from their wedding ceremony in the beautiful church in Sund in Ydre kommun. The church is situated at a fairytale-like place with open fields, a small lake nearby and the woods in the background. A wonderful place to get married!

It was over 31°C, so after fulfilling my task, when the newly married had left the church, I went down to the lake Stora Sundsjön to take a bath in order to chill down. That was also a wonderful experience! No pictures of that though...

Thanks to Alexanda and Johan for giving me your trust as your wedding photographer!

More photos from Alexandra´s and Johan´s wedding:

Alexandra and Johan 2010-07-10 part 1
Alexandra and Johan 2010-07-10 part 2

Jenny and Paul 2010-07-24 part 1

These are the first previews from Jenny´s and Paul´s lovely wedding (in a not so lovely weather) at the old church of Pelarne and the Viggesbo manors outside Rumskulla in Vimmerby. The ceremony was held in both Swedish and English. Paul does not (normally) speak Swedish, but he did very well with the wedding vows!

More photos will follow soon...

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